Attain your peak status of well being

For the time being, our attention is dedicated to Weight Loss clients, as we prepare to roll out additional services in the near future. Stay tuned for further developments!

Altura Health provides convenient access to a range of healthcare services, allowing patients to consult with medical professionals from the comfort of their homes. From prescription refills to personalized weight loss plans and virtual sick consultations – we’ve got your health covered. Our seamless virtual experience ensures convenience, accessibility, and expert care right at your fingertips.

We are committed to providing honesty and transparency to our patients

Patient Portal

Altura Health provides a mobile application that allows patients to schedule appointments, access their health records, and communicate with healthcare providers conveniently from their phones, tablets or computers.

Transparent Pricing

Altura Health provides cost-effective access to medical care.

Virtual Appointments

Altura Health offers remote appointments with healthcare professionals through secure chat messaging allowing patients to access care from anywhere.

How It Works

During your telehealth visit, you can connect with a healthcare provider through a secure online platform using chat or video messaging. You will discuss your medical concerns, symptoms, and health history. Your provider will provide an assessment and offer treatment recommendations, and even prescribe medication if necessary, all from the convenience of your location. 

1. Registration Process

Fill out your medical history and any relevant health information. This will help healthcare providers better understand your needs during telehealth consultations. After completing your profile, you'll be ready to schedule appointments and access our telehealth services.

2. Diagnostic Process

During this virtual consultation, you will discuss your medical history, symptoms, and any relevant information. Be prepared to describe your condition, share any recent developments, and answer questions about your health.

3. Treatment Process

Based on the information gathered during the telehealth consultation and examination, the healthcare provider will make an assessment, discuss the findings with you, and propose a treatment plan. Follow-up telehealth appointments may be scheduled to monitor progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

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